
15 parameters based on which GST department is issuing notices for scrutiny of returns

There is a total of 15 parameters based on which GST department is issuing notices for scrutiny of returns as follows: 👉In-eligible ITC claimed from non-genuine taxpayers (NGTPs) whose RC is canceled ab-initio 👉Excess outward tax in GSTR-1 compared to GSTR-9 /GSTR-3B 👉Excess Outward tax in E-Way Bills Compared to GSTR-3B 👉In-eligible ITC claimed from GSTR-3B Non-filers 👉Excess ITC claimed in GSTR-9/3B which is not confirmed in GSTR-2A or 8A of GSTR-9 👉In-eligible ITC claimed from RC is canceled suppliers 👉Less turnover is shown in GSTR-1 compared to GSTR-8 (TCS) 👉Less turnover is shown in GSTR-3B compared to GSTR-7 (TDS) 👉Less RCM liability disclosed in GSTR 9/3B/4 than shown by suppliers in GSTR-1 👉ITC claims after the last date of availing of ITC as per section 16(4) GSTR-3B 👉ITC on purchase invoices uploaded by the supplier in GSTR-1 filed after the last date of availing -section 16(4) Interest on delayed payments made with GSTR 3B 👉Excess IGST on imports shown in GSTR_6...

How to Register as Legal Heir on new income tax portal portal (applicable in case of any deceased taxpayer)

  Register as Legal Heir (applicable in case of any deceased taxpayer) Login With credential of Legal Heir PAN Go to the 'My Account' menu located at upper-left side of the page > Click 'Register as Representative' Select the 'Request Type' as 'New Request' and Select the 'Category to Register' as 'Deceased (Legal Heir)' > Click 'Proceed' Fill the details and Click 'Submit'. Regards, CA Lalit Aggarwal, 9999565491

Big relief for Vodophone and Cairns in income tax

Big relief for Vodophone and Cairns The Taxation Laws (Amendment ) Bill, 2021 introduced by FM today in the Lok Sabha  is about withdrawing retrospective amendment made in 2012 of taxing capital gains arising from indirect transfer of assets located in India. This will settle issue of arbitration as under Indian Income Tax  Act itself no tax will be leviable on such capital gains up to 28th May,2012 when this amendment came into force . Full amount of tax will have to be refunded but without interest as a specific provision inserted of no interest on such refund under section 244A. Demand created before 28th May,2012 will be nullified in 17 cases including 2 cases where there is stay . Undertaking to be furnished by these entities that no claim , damages, interest etc shall be filed.

CBDT extends Due Date for filing various Income Tax Forms

The  Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has issued an order extending due dates for various compliance forms including the Quarterly statement in Form No. 15CC, Equalization Levy Statement in Form No.1, the Statement of Income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder in Form No. 64D and the Statement of Income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder in Form No. 64C. (i) The Quarterly statement in Form No. 15CC to be furnished by an authorized dealer in respect of remittances made for the quarter ending on 30th June 2021 required to be furnished on or before 15th July 2021 under Rule 37BB of the Rules. as extended to 31° July 2021 vide Circular No 12 of 2021 dated 25.06.2021, may be filed on or before 31st August 2021. (ii) The Equalization Levy Statement in Form No.1 for the Financial Year 2020- 21, which was required to be filed on or before 30. June 2021. as extended to 31s1July, 2021 vide Circular No 12 of 2021 dated 25 06.2021. maybe filed o...

GST return Late fee waived off

आओ GST सीखें: The Central Government has notified the waiver of late fee for GSTR 3B for the period July 17 to September 2018. As per a notification issued by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), the Government has waived the amount of late fee payable by any registered person for failure to furnish the return in FORM GSTR 3B for the month of July, 2017 onwards by the due date under section 47 of the Act, which is in excess of an amount of twenty-five rupees for every day during which such failure continues. This was recommended by the 31st GST Council meeting wherein the Council had waived the late fee for some returns such as FORM GSTR-1, FORM GSTR-3B & FORM GSTR-4 for the periods July 2017 to September 2018. According to the recommendation of the GST Council, the late fee shall be completely waived for all taxpayers in case FORM GSTR-1, FORM GSTR-3B &FORM GSTR-4 for the months/quar...

‘Limited Scrutiny Cases में करदाता को CBDT का बड़ा झटका

दोस्तों जैसा कि आप और हम जानते हैं कि आजकल इनकम टैक्स में limited scrutiny के बहुत सारे cases सेलेक्ट हो रहे हैं। ऐसे cases की assessment करते समय AO को केवल उन जानकारियों को इकठ्ठा करना होता था जिन पॉइंट्स की वजह से case scrutiny में सेलेक्ट हुआ है। परंतु AO किसी अन्य issue पर कुछ नहीं कर सकता था। परंतु अब ऐसा नहीं है, AO अब एडिशनल issue को भी examine कर सकता है। आइये इसका विस्तृत वर्णन करें। The Central Board of Direct Taxes ( CBDT ) has explained the scope of limited scrutiny cases selected under CASS cycles 2017 and 2018 where the issues referred to by the law-enforcement/ intelligence/ regulatory authority or agency. Under CASS cycles 2017 and 2018, some of the cases were selected for scrutiny as a ‘Limited Scrutiny’ case. In ‘Limited Scrutiny’ cases, Assessing Officer cannot travel beyond the issue(s) for which the case was selected. The field authorities asked the Board to consider the issue that in several cases under ‘Limited Scrutiny’, information pointing out specific tax-e...

GST में गुड्स वापसी के नियम (treatment of goods return in GST)

आओ GST सीखें: दोस्तों कुछ इंडस्ट्री में गुड्स वापसी बहुत अधिक मात्रा में होती है, इसके ट्रीटमेंट एवं प्रोसीजर को ले कर बहुत कंफ्यूज़न रहती है। आओ आज गुड्स वापसी के समय अपनाये जाने वाले विभिन्न विकल्पों की चर्चा करें। गुड्स वापसी का 2 तरीके से ट्रीटमेंट किया जा सकता है: 1. गुड्स वापसी को विक्रय मान कर फ्रेश इनवॉइस जारी कर दिया जाए। या 2. गुड्स वापसी पर विक्रेता द्वारा क्रेडिट नोट जारी कर दिया जाये। OPTION 1 : Return of Goods to be treated as Fresh Supply a. जी हां, पहला तरीका ये ही है कि गुड्स वापिस करते टाइम इसको फ्रेश सप्लाई मानकर sale इनवॉइस जारी कर दिया जाए। b. ये एक आसान तरीका है। इसमें गुड्स वापस करने वाला एक इनवॉइस के जरिये माल वापस कर देगा और sale की तरह उस इनवॉइस को अपनी GSTR 1 में दिखायेगा। c. माल प्राप्ति करने वाला इन गुड्स पर ITC ठीक उसी तरह क्लेम करेगा जैसे वो फ्रेश माल purchase करते समय करता है। d. ITC  reversal इत्यादि के अन्य सभी नियम लागू होंगे। OPTION 2 : Return of Goods by issuing credit notes : a. दूसरा तरीका ये है कि गुड्स को वापिस सप्लायर के क्रेडिट ...