Certificate of Confirmation for the purpose of audit under section 44AB of the Income-Tax Act, 1961



Sub: Certificate of Confirmation for the purpose of audit under section 44AB of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 for the financial year 20xx-20xx(Assessment Year 20xx-20xx)

Dear Sir,

Please refer to aforesaid, I hereby certify the followings: -

1.    Cash Balance: that there was a cash balance of Rs. _________ at the closing of the year, which was physically verified and found correct by us.

2.      Bank Balance: The firm is having following bank balance with respective bank:

Name  & Branch of Bank

Closing Balance

Current A/c, O/D, C/C A/c

The above accounts have been duly reconciled and the Bank Reconciliation statement has been prepared, where required.

3.   Stock:  that there was closing stock of Rs. ___________/- of goods which was physically verified by me and valued at cost price (FIFO) or net realizable value as per preceding year, and
The above stock includes stock of the concern, wherever located;
There was no goods of the concern lying with other at the closing of the year;
There were no goods of other lying with concern at the closing of the year;

4.      Debtors: that there were sundry debtors against goods amounting to Rs. ________ at the closing of the year, which were good and realisable;

5.     Fixed Assets: that fixed assets are of the concern in the name of concern or proprietor/partner. All the fixed assets have been physically verified at the closing of the year, and are in running/usable condition.

6.     Expenditure & Income: that all expenditure and income have been accounted for upto the year-end on mercantile (accrual) method of accounting.

7.      Loans or Deposits on Hundi: there are no loans or deposit taken on Hundi during the year.

8.     Payment to Relatives: payment to relative under section 40 A (2) (b) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 are detailed in paragraph 18 of form No. 3CD.
There was no payment to relative u/s 40A(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

9.     Contingent Liabilities: that there are no contingent liabilities against the concern at the closing of the year.

10.   Quantitative Details: no quantitative details are maintained. However the closing value has been taken as per physical verification conducted at year-end.


The quantitative details are as per paragraph 28 of Form No. 3CD.

11.    The financial statements are free of material misstatements, including omissions.

12.    We have no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities reflected in the financial statements.

13.    The allocation between capital and revenue has been correctly done and that no items of capital nature have been debited to Profit & Loss account and vice versa.

14.    No personal expenses have been charged to revenue accounts.

15.    No fraud has been committed during the year.

I confirm the above information.

Yours faithfully,

for client name


Compiled By:

CA Lalit Aggarwal,


  1. Doing a wonderful job useful to the professional community.

  2. Very good job, thanks for helping Professional fertanity.


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